DVL Software Update 2.4.0
The world's smallest DVL A50 and longer range DVL A125 have now been further enhanced with this latest software update.
6 July, 2023 by
DVL Software Update 2.4.0
Water Linked (UK), Scott McLay

 Software Update Instructions

Optimised Performance for Situations Requiring Maximum Accuracy

These DVLs, already known for their outstanding performance, featuring an unmatched minimum operating range of 5cm and a long term accuracy capability of +/-0.1%, are setting unprecedented new standards.

Through constant product development, we have upgraded the software to optimise performance for customers utilising the DVLs in situations requiring maximum accuracy.

This enhancement enables us to handle substantial velocity changes, as measured by the IMU. While this modification is unlikely to have a quantifiable impact on a stable vehicle, it considerably enhances the data quality on a less stable platform.

Additional Fine-tunes

As we rolled out this update, we also took the opportunity to fine-tune several other aspects based on customer feedback. Some of these enhancements include:

Enhanced performance when using the DVL in restricted spaces.
Improved dead reckoning estimation in conditions of high acceleration.
The inclusion of a software trigger control to offer complete flexibility, enabling user control when using other acoustic sensors to avoid interference.

Your Feedback Helps us Make The DVL Even Better

We've also addressed several minor bugs, and we welcome your feedback on any issues you encounter. This will enable us to fix them as we continuously improve and introduce new features to these remarkable products.

 Software Update Instructions

 Demo DVL Software

DVL Software Update 2.4.0
Water Linked (UK), Scott McLay 6 July, 2023
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