World leading underwater
sensor technology
Our proprietary technology enables you to tackle some of the biggest challenges in underwater positioning and aquaculture.
New product: Sonar 3D-15
Our sonar provides real-time 3D sonar imaging with point cloud generation. The Sonar 3D-15 is at the forefront of underwater exploration, delivering a clear, three-dimensional acoustic image that penetrates even the murkiest of waters.
Find out more
Underwater navigation
Become more accurate and agile with Water Linked positioning and communication equipment.
Navigate clearly into the future
Become more sustainable and profitable by measuring more data at a higher frequency with vast expansion possibilities.
Fast Forward to Sustainable Aquaculture
Innovation happens outside the comfort zone, supporting brave ideas and thinking outside the box.
Knowing and utilizing each others' strengths allows us to develop industry leading products.
The same way one can trust our products, our collaboration is built on human reliability.
On a mission to disrupt the market for underwater acoustics...
At Water Linked we develop groundbreaking products from scratch. Fundamental problems are solved and truly disruptive products are created. Our Wireless Sense™ technology enables reliable wireless communication and innovative subsea sensor solutions.
Get in touch About us
...we have partnered with distributors around the world...
Our distributors are as widespread as our demand. Whether you are looking to connect with a distributor or you want to partner up and become a distributor, you’ve come to the right place
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...and we're always looking for new talent!
Are you searching for an opportunity to develop groundbreaking, underwater technology from scratch? Well, then we might be looking for you! Wanna help us solve new underwater tech problems and show us how to be even better? Read more about our vacancies here.
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Come meet us
If you are interested in meeting our team and getting insight into how we work to take underwater noise out of the equation, come meet us at the next event we are attending: